Princess Jenny felt that she had to torture this guy for wasting her time and misusing her money. She had given him a budget and a list of items to buy but he did not adhere to any of that. So she had to punish him and she did. He was cruelly forced to endure her facesitting and he wished that he had never failed to do what she had instructed him.
This guy was so clueless that he did not see what she was planning for him. That is how he found himself being facesat on and humiliated by the mistress who did not care what he felt or what he did. All that was important to her was to humiliate him and she succeeded in doing that. The guy regretted why he had been gullible but there was nothing he could have done.
Mistress Gilda was annoyed at the way this masseuse massaged her. He was doing it suggestively and she felt annoyed. She waited until he finished and she punished him for it. The mistress even facesat on him and made him realize that she would not let him get away with it. He expected the opposite of what the mistress did to him but the message was home by the end of her punishment.
Mistress Wu loves to humiliate and to make adults cry. This girl had messed with her and it was time to make her learn that she was not to mess with. She had given her a warning but she had ignored it and she knew that she was not to blame. He had to blame himself for what she was about to do to him which was to facesit on her and lick her asshole clean.
Lady Victoria and her business partner had a disagreement and she felt that he was being unreasonable and selfish and that was not ok with her. So she went out of her way to punish him and she did this with her facesitting fetish. The guy was humiliated and in pain but he had gained a valuable lesson and he got to know the other side of her that he did not know.
When these mistresses made a purchase from this guy and they realized that he had conned them, they had to teach him a lesson and that is why they ganged up on him and they facesat on him cruelly. He was in pain as they did it and he was also humiliated. But he learned a valuable lesson and he never messed up again after that as he feared a repeat punishment.
These mistresses had the hots for each other and they knew that they were both lesbians but they were busy and had never gotten time to have fun together. But today they happened to be free at the same time and they had to make the most of it all so they went to Mizz Thyck's house and had fun facesitting on each other and licking each other to orgasm.
During sex, mistress Lola was shocked when her boyfriend called out another girl's name and she was so pissed that she had to punish him. He tried to explain herself but she did not care. She did not forgive him and had to punish him. So she did it with her facesitting fetish. He was choked as she humiliated him with her smelly ass and he wished he had never done it.
This mistress has a big ass and she was pissed because this guy had tried to make fun of her and her weight. She was so pissed about it that she had to do something about it. The mistress did not let the guy have the last laugh. That was for her. The mistress cruelly tortured the guy and smothered him with her big ass choking him in the process.
Mistress Zephy was going about her business when she realized that this guy was stalking was into her and he was kind of stalking her. She called him and she listened to him. He begged her to facesit on him saying that it would be a great birthday gift for him and so she agreed. She enjoyed facesitting on him with her bare ass and also enjoyed as he licked her.