This guy looked suggestively at these mistresses and they knew what that meant. But the mistresses were one step ahead of him so they approached him and they asked him if he wanted to have a threesome. He nearly screamed yes but he had to compose himself and say yes. They took him to their house where instead of the threesome, they had fun trampling him as well as facesitting on him. And when he asked, they told him that was the threesome they meant.
Goddess Chanel does not like people who are too negative. She had to make sure that this guy learned that positivity was important and that he had to change his views. And he also had to stop telling others negative things. And that is why she facesat on him so as to drill it into him that he had to change. She did it a few more times and after a few days, he got the point and made baby steps.
Goddess Stephanie felt that she wanted to try the kind of fun she had not had before. She wanted to facesit on a guy while at the same time playing with a vibrator. So she flirted with this guy and had him think that she wanted to have fun with him when in actual fact she was using him. She facesat on him and then played with her clit using a vibrator and she came but left him high and dry.
Mistress Maryan felt that her slave had bad breath and she had to teach him to change as she was suffering as a result of it. The mistress felt that the best thing to do to him was to fart on him after she had facesat on him. That is exactly what the mistress did to him and he was shocked at the treatment he got from her. He changed.
Goddess Kiffa found out that this guy had intentionally misled her and she was so pissed at him that she knew that she had to punish him so that he realized she was not going to entertain such kinds of things. The mistress facesat on him and she cruelly laughed at him and made fun of him as he begged her for mercy which she did not show him at all.
Mistress Canella was shocked to learn that one of her girlfriends was a snitch. She did not want it to be true but it was. So she chose to teach her friend a lesson and she did it as cruelly as she could. The mistress forced her girlfriend to lie down and she used jeans to facesit on her. She was going for pain and that is what the girlfriend felt.
This guy was a scammer and he scammed these mistresses. But he did not know them well and he thought that he had scammed some regular mistresses and he did not expect anything to happen to him. That is why he was shocked when they turned on him and they cruelly facesat on him and forced him to come clean and to compensate them. He never scammed anyone else again.
Goddess Nika loves doing something new for her birthday and this year she wanted her ass licked properly. She actually wanted her asshole licked and tongue inserted into it and that is what she got from her boyfriend for her birthday as she did not want anything else from him. She was so turned on from the anticipation and excitement of it that she came after a few minutes of being ass licked.
Mistress Nica had a soft spoken man and he did not even know how to defend himself. She was not going to sit by and watch when people messed with him and as much as she could, she always stood up for him. And that is what she did today as she trampled and facesat this guy besides slapping him. He had badmouthed her man and she was teaching him a lesson.
This guy flirted with this mistress and he turned her on. But he did not have any intention of fucking her. When he realized that it was getting serious and heated, he told her he was only joking. The mistress was so pissed off that she had to dominate him and show him what she did to people who piss her off. She resorted to facesitting on him and she forced him to eat her pussy until she came.